Dear Ruoshi,
about the failure of using the loaded libraries, I see from the file config.log that the configure line launched is this one:
Code: Select all
./configure CFLAGS=-O2 'FCFLAGS=-O2 -gopt -Mnoframe -Mdalign -Mbackslash -I/apps/software/standard/compiler/nvhpc/23.7/openmpi/4.1.4/lib' 'FFLAGS=-O2 -gopt -Mnoframe -Mdalign -Mbackslash -I/apps/software/standard/compiler/nvhpc/23.7/openmpi/4.1.4/lib' CC=nvc FC=nvfortran F77=nvfortran MPIFC=mpif90 MPIF77=mpif77 MPICC=mpicc MPICXX=mpic++ 'CPP=cpp -E -P' 'FPP=nvfortran -Mpreprocess -E' --enable-cuda=cuda12.2,cc70,cc80 --enable-open-mp --enable-mpi --enable-dp --enable-hdf5-par-io --enable-time-profile --enable-memory-profile --enable-msgs-comps '--with-blas-libs=-L/apps/software/standard/core/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lblas' '--with-lapack-libs=-L/apps/software/standard/core/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -llapack' --with-netcdf-path= --with-netcdff-path= --with-fft-path= --with-hdf5-path= --with-libxc-path=
Here are missing the paths to the libraries. I suppose that you passed them to the configure using environment variables. So this means that the variables are not properly set (maybe for problems in the modules, or wrong variables passed). Check the variables that are set by the modules with the command
However, this does not explain the compilation failure. So here some questions that could help me to understand what's happening:
1) are you using the internal mpi from the nvhpc sdk?
2) why are you compiling for two GPU architectures (cc70 and cc80)? "--enable-cuda=cuda12.2,cc70,cc80"
Please try from scratch (that means deleting the source directory and unpacking a new one) using this configure line:
Code: Select all
export FC=nvfortran
export F77=nvfortran
export CC=nvc
export CPP="cpp -E"
export FPP="nvfortran -Mpreprocess -E"
export F90SUFFIX=".f90"
./configure \
--enable-cuda=cuda11.8,cc80 \
--enable-mpi --enable-open-mp --enable-dp --enable-hdf5-par-io \
--enable-msgs-comps --enable-time-profile --enable-memory-profile \
--with-blas-libs="-lblas" \
--with-lapack-libs="-llapack" \
--with-hdf5-path=$HDF5_HOME \
--with-netcdf-path=$NETCDF_C_HOME \
--with-netcdff-path=$NETCDF_FORTRAN_HOME \
--with-libxc-path=$LIBXC_HOME \
Remember to load the modules before and use the proper environment variables.