--disable-time-profile option

Having trouble compiling the Yambo source? Using an unusual architecture? Problems with the "configure" script? Problems in GPU architectures? This is the place to look.

Moderators: Davide Sangalli, andrea.ferretti, myrta gruning, andrea marini, Daniele Varsano, Conor Hogan, Nicola Spallanzani

Forum rules
If you have trouble compiling Yambo, please make sure to list:
(1) the compiler (vendor and release: e.g. intel 10.1)
(2) the architecture (e.g. 64-bit IBM SP5)
(3) if the problems occur compiling in serial/in parallel
(4) the version of Yambo (revision number/major release version)
(5) the relevant compiler error message
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--disable-time-profile option

Post by malwi » Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:54 am

Dear Yambo Team,

we got an error "too many clocks" at the very end of the optical calculations for a very large system.
The files in LOG showed that 100% was done and job's predicted time was approaching.

Then we found
"one easy solution should be to re-compile yambo with --disable-time-profile option given when running the configure."

Is the proposed compilation better than the one with "time-profile"? What is the difference?
Shall we use it always for all calculations?

Best regards,
dr hab. Małgorzata Wierzbowska, Prof. IHPP PAS
Institute of High Pressure Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
Warsaw, Poland

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Davide Sangalli
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Re: --disable-time-profile option

Post by Davide Sangalli » Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:13 am

Dear Małgorzata Wierzbowska,
Is the proposed compilation better than the one with "time-profile"? What is the difference?
Without, the code does not check the timing needed for the different steps of the calculations, e.g. you will not get a report of the timing at the end of the simulation.
You still get the "live timing bars" which mark the progression of the simulation.
This should not have an impact on the duration of the simulation.
Shall we use it always for all calculations?
By default it is enables and it should be safe. However in very few cases it can give issues, and it is better to disable the "time profiling"

Davide Sangalli, PhD
CNR-ISM, Division of Ultrafast Processes in Materials (FLASHit) and MaX Centre

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